Loan Products
Benefit from easier qualification, longer terms and lower down payments on fixed assets than most standard loans. Let us help you find a loan product that is right for you.
Loan Comparison
Quickly view the loan options that are available and use this information to help you decide which financing option that will work best for your small business.
Still Have Questions?
Our experienced loan specialists are available to help you through the process. For over 35 years our lenders have helped small businesses like you find over $400 Million in financing.
Since 1993
All About The Customer Experience
Our mission is to provide a banking experience for small business owners that exceeds expectations. SBA Source brings efficiency and excellence to the lending process. We believe deeply in personal service and focus on taking care of our customers throughout the life of the relationship and not just one loan. We’re here to help small businesses thrive — from mom and pops to tech start-ups (and everything in between).

First Port City Bank Earns Preferred Lender Status From Small Business Administration (SBA)

The highest bank designation reserved for top-tier lenders. The Preferred Lender status provides First Port City Bank with the authority to process, close, service and liquidate most SBA-guaranteed loans without prior review to provide faster financing to the small business community.
The Preferred Lenders Program (PLP) was created by the SBA in an effort to streamline lending procedures and the approval process needed to provide financial assistance to the small business community. To earn the designation, lenders must demonstrate a high proficiency in processing and servicing SBA-guaranteed loans and a thorough understanding of SBA lending procedures and policies.
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